Thursday, October 27, 2011

Short update.

Hi. I know, it has been a month, eh more than a month kut since my last update. I know. Ive been very busy I guess. I need to suit myself with new situation, new life, new um new, umm, new things? Tengok la, balik rumah pun jarang tau )': After exam je baru balik, mana ada balik every weekend macam dulu dah, tau. Sedih tau! Sedih! Tahu tak! K. Tahu. Bagus.

But well, studying Medicine is not easy. True. So I should sacrifice my sleeping time, my TV time, my going-back-home-time and all. But I never sacrificed my time on the interenet, pfft -____- I need to concentrate more on studying. Tapi ahaaaa, ada je tau yang macam ahaaaa, yang taktahu la, distraction kut alahai :/ Tak suka au. For instance, umm, k tak payah examples. No no no.

K tu je. Ni short update je. I dont really have the idea to write. I got one. But later, perhaps. Should go now. Bye. Take care people.