Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hi, you.

4th February, 2009.

I texted you, saying that I gave up waiting for you and all. A text to apologize, to thank you, to confess. I had been waiting for you for, entahla, tak ingat. But one thing for sure, it was a long duration, quite long. I never gave up to text you, even though there was no reply, from you. Not a single Hi or what. But that day, I got so tired. And yes, a text, sent to you, to tell you that I gave up.

Today, 8th February 2012.

Last four days, 4th February 2012.

3 years. Eh no, 3 years plus, and yes, I'm still loving the same guy. I still have the same feeling I used to have for the same guy. I shouldn't. But, thats just it. It can't be forced, so what can I do? I tried to get rid of the feeling, but it is still there, so what can I do? I tried many times, and I failed.

Sikit ke, banyak ke, rasa tu still ada. Tak nak la.

Tak nak. Just tak nak.

Because I know, he doesn't feel the same as I do. He doesn't.

I know I can move on, but I just don't know when. I need to move on. I need to stop hoping since it won't be happening, at all. I need to realize that and get back on track. I just need to stop hoping and expecting. I just need to.

Good night people. Take care. And this is, random. I guess.